
Obsession knows no bounds.

When Kouhei literally bumps into Kyouko one morning, it's love at first sight...for one of them. Told from alternating male and female viewpoints, this slowly escalating thriller will grip you until the very last scene. (52 episodes)

Episode 1
Kouhei bumps into a mysterious woman on his way to work.
Notes: This episode contains excellent vocabulary, such as "to be in time (for something)," "mad dash," and the pattern for saying you "should have done" something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 14597
Episode 2
A shift in perspective sheds new light on the encounter.
Notes: This episode contains interesting vocabulary, such as a pattern that means "before (someone) realized what was happening," and a note on the point-of-view used in this story.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 7728
Episode 3
Kouhei rushes for his train.
Notes: This episode contains multiple examples of omitting a verb of saying or thinking and instead providing a simultaneously occurring action, as well as interesting expressions such as "to be out of breath" and "it's only when X that Y."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 5232
Episode 4
Kyouko ponders what to do about an item the man left behind in his hurry.
Notes: This episode contains two instances of the zu negative with usage notes, plus several other extended annotations.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 3575
Episode 5
Kouhei plans his workday.
Notes: This episode contains a good example of the "affective passive," which focuses on the impact of an event on the speaker, as well as interesting expressions such as "dizzyingly busy."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 3158
Episode 6
Kyouko hits on a way to return the business card holder.
Notes: This episode contains notes on moshi(mo), the difference between omou and kangaeru, and a note on the spelling of several common names.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 3069
Episode 7
Kyouko works diligently to meet Kouhei again.
Notes: This episode demonstrates a non-humble use of the normally humble oru, as well as a discussion of a sentence containing the particle wa three times in quick succession.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2883
Episode 8
Kouhei revels in the abundance of an early evening convenience store.
Notes: This delightful episode contains lots of great vocabulary and fun cultural notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2811
Episode 9
Kouhei wonders if he is hearing things on his way home from work.
Notes: This episode contains straightforward grammar, with several good vocabulary words, such as tsuite kuru, furimuku, and furikaeru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2718
Episode 10
Kouhei tries to make sense of things as another strange event happens.
Notes: This episode contains a few challenging sentences but lots of extended annotations to help you make sense of everything.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2655
Episode 11
Kyouko tries a new way to find Kouhei.
Notes: This episode contains useful vocabulary such as "the nearest station" and "on the contrary."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2565
Episode 12
Kyouko's efforts finally pay off.
Notes: This episode contains notes on interesting grammar points, such as the use of -te mieru with selected verbs to mean "to appear (a certain way)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2520
Episode 13
Kyouko's spirits soar at the convenience store.
Notes: This episode contains extended notes on two different uses of ...you ni, as well as a reminder on Japanese verbs of emotion, such as iraira suru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2494
Episode 14
Kyouko feels closer than ever to Kouhei.
Notes: This episode contains a few less common vocabulary words but should be mostly straightforward.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2441
Episode 15
A chance discovery thrills Kyouko.
Notes: This exciting episode also contains great vocabulary and expressions, such as "to fill (one's heart, etc)" and "to set one's eyes" on something.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2403
Episode 16
Kouhei notices a pattern. But is he just being paranoid?
Notes: This episode contains useful expressions like ...to iu tokoro darou ka, and, as always, several extended grammar notes.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2356
Episode 17
Kouhei attempts to pin down the identity of the owner of the footsteps he keeps hearing.
Notes: This exciting episode contains excellent expressions such as "pinning down (the truth, a suspect, etc)," "holding one's breath," and more.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2337
Episode 18
The events of the previous night cause Kyouko to reconsider her behavior.
Notes: This episode contains an example of an expression that means that something nearly happened, as well as a discussion of two words that both mean "to stop (doing something)."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2294
Episode 19
Kouhei and colleague Saitou work hard to promote a new product.
Notes: This episode showcases useful expressions such as "to incline one's head (in confusion)," plus a suffix that means "to do something and leave it in that state."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2275
Episode 20
Saitou points out something interesting during lunch.
Notes: This episode contains an interesting analysis of Kouhei and Saitou's speech patterns and what we can learn from them.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2228
Episode 21
Kouhei and Saitou discuss the situation.
Notes: This episode contains a slang term for someone's house as well as a great example of the very common and very conversational to iu ka, which can be used to amend or clarify the previous statement.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2209
Episode 22
Kyouko looks for another way to learn more about Kouhei.
Notes: This episode contains lots of good modern-day vocabulary, such as the words for "website" and "Facebook," plus a pattern that means "almost as if."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2187
Episode 23
Kyouko finds a way to stay connected to Kouhei.
Notes: This episode contains useful expressions, such as an expression that means "to capture on film," as well as an interesting cultural tidbit related to a description of Kouhei.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2140
Episode 24
An idea occurs to Kyouko as she sips her coffee.
Notes: This exciting episode contains great vocabulary, such as words for "to occur to someone," "to pretend (to do something)," and "nonchalant," along with several in-depth grammar notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2114
Episode 25
Kouhei unexpectedly makes a new friend at a company event.
Notes: This episode contains some fun male banter and good vocabulary, such as the word for "to grumble."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2127
Episode 26
With a little encouragement from Saitou, Kouhei puts the contact information he received from Mai to use.
Notes: This episode contacts three different ways to talk about "getting in contact" with someone.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2065
Episode 27
As his relationship with Mai continues to develop, Kouhei mulls over what to do about the woman who keeps showing up around him.
Notes: This episode contains notes on two different uses of the word wake.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2039
Episode 28
Kyouko puts a plan into action.
Notes: This episode contains fun vocabulary, such as a video game-derived word that means to "clear a stage" in a game, and a useful expression that means "it isn't necessarily so."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 2019
Episode 29
With single-minded focus, Kyouko carries out the next step of her plan.
Notes: This episode contains mostly straightforward grammar, but includes a few words and expressions that might be new, including "to tell a lie" and "a sense of guilt."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1989
Episode 30
After weeks of waiting, Kyouko finally learns whether her plan will succeed.
Notes: This episode contains a breakdown of three verbs that mean "to open," as well as a discussion of the versatile word hotondo.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1981
Episode 31
Kyouko looks closely at her surroundings to learn everything she can about Kouhei.
Notes: This episode contains interesting notes, such as one about a special case in which the particle wo can be used with suki to mark the liked thing, and a pattern that means "one by one."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1959
Episode 32
Kyouko reaches a new milestone in her quest to feel more connected to Kouhei.
Notes: This electrifying episode also contains several important notes, including a long discussion of two ways to write the word for "body."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1951
Episode 33
As Kouhei and Mai get closer, they are observed by Kyouko.
Notes: This episode contains an excellent example of the affective passive, also known as the "suffering passive," as well as lots of good vocabulary, including a informal contraction for referring to your home, similar to "my place" in English.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1933
Episode 34
Still coming down from her exciting day, Kyouko's head whirls.
Notes: This episode contains friendly reminders on a use of kurai to mark a trivial thing or amount, the pattern -te kuru to mean "to go and do," and others.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1928
Episode 35
An upbeat Kyouko prepares for an enjoyable Friday evening when she witnesses something unexpected.
Notes: This episode contains excellent vocabulary and expressions, such as "to grow pale (from shock, etc)," and a reminder on the use of tokoro to indicate a scene or snapshot in time.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1922
Episode 36
Kouhei and Mai go on a trip together.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as the word for a long weekend, plus a note on the tricky word amaeru.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1909
Episode 37
As their trip comes to an end, Mai wishes it could last just a bit longer.
Notes: This episode contains notes on the difference between several similar adverbs, plus an expression that means, "it goes without saying."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1900
Episode 38
Kyouko reacts to her newfound knowledge of Mai.
Notes: This episode contains notes to demystify two sets of words that are written identically but mean subtly different things.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1884
Episode 39
Kyouko takes steps to rid the environment of the other woman's presence.
Notes: This episode contains great vocab, such as words for "to fold," "to purify," and a word you might not realize means "the outside," plus several interesting notes, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1872
Episode 40
Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Kouhei and Mai, Kyouko scrambles.
Notes: This episode contains excellent vocabulary, such as "to snatch," "gap," and "to cover (one's mouth, ears, etc)," as well as extended notes such as one about a pattern that means "the more one ..., the more ...."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1867
Episode 41
As things get more serious between Kouhei and Mai, a news program provokes a disagreement.
Notes: This article contains important vocabulary, such as the word for bullying and an expression that means "to get angry as an instantaneous reaction to something someone says or does."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1866
Episode 42
Kouhei finds something unexpected after he tries to make up with Mai.
Notes: This episode contains a use of tokoro to mean "a side" or "a part" of something and a reminder about the -te aru pattern.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1851
Episode 43
A surprised and impressed Kouhei enjoys the gift left for him.
Notes: This episode contains lots of fun vocabulary and patterns, such as a word that means "to polish off (food)" and a pattern for making very colloquial, very emphatic adjectives.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1847
Episode 44
Kyouko tries to deal with a memory that has been seared into her mind.
Notes: This episode is longer than usual but contains mostly straightforward vocabulary.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1847
Episode 45
Kyouko is thrilled by the positive results of her efforts.
Notes: This episode contains a detailed explanation of "heated questions" -- the kind of questions that aggressively push for answers in a scorching tone.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1852
Episode 46
Sparks fly when Kyouko and Mai come face-to-face.
Notes: This thrilling episode features fantastic acting, great vocabulary, and more examples of "heated questions" and ら-row to ん substitution. Grab your popcorn!
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1848
Episode 47
Kouhei learns what has happened.
Notes: This episode contains mostly straightforward grammar and vocabulary, including a common word that means "fore-feeling" or "premonition."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1851
Episode 48
As Mai and Kouhei compare notes, an outline of what has happened emerges.
Notes: This episode contains an interesting example of an entire clause put into the passive voice as a single unit.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1840
Episode 49
Worried about his friend, Saitou encourages Kouhei to make a change.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as a word that means "to become clear/alert," and one that means "to help someone a great deal."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1840
Episode 50
Kouhei becomes more acquainted with his new neighbor.
Notes: This episode contains great vocabulary, such as "ideal" and "to break out of (a loop or pattern, etc)," as well as refreshers on patterns that mean "not to mention / it goes without saying" and "the more one does something, the more...."
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1841
Episode 51
Kouhei feels happy about his blossoming relationship with Nakamura.
Notes: This episode contains a note that will help you to remember expressions that use ue and shita.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1853
Episode 52
The thrilling conclusion of Koibito.
Notes: This episode contains lots of great vocabulary, as always.
Editions Status Total Readers
Standard Unread 1918